A share a day keeps ride-hail away
Supersize your fleet with award-winning job sharing that makes you money and keeps both drivers and passengers happy
And it works whichever dispatch system you’re on
Say SuperYes to more business
Stop losing £12k every month
By some estimates, the average fleet turns down 21 jobs a day - that’s about £12k lost each and every month
Share the job, keep the business
Say yes to passengers
Ride-hail are ready to take your customers whenever you turn them down
Say SuperYes and customers will keep coming back to your business
Keep drivers happy
Stop good drivers drifting off to ride hail by giving them more work and turning out-of-area drop-offs into more POBs more of the time
Supersize your fleet
More drivers, instantly
Level the playing field with ride-hail by having more supply to serve your passengers
Choose who to share with
SuperYes protects your reputation
You’re in full control of who takes the jobs you can’t. Choose named fleets and set quality standards
Works with any dispatch system
It pays to work together
Start sharing today whichever dispatch system you’re on
TURN ON the map of opportunity
Whatever dispatch system you're on, turn on SuperYes and be part of the cross-platform fightback
SuperYes to more money
When you say no to a passenger, you lose their money now and maybe their custom forever. With SuperYes, you get both their cash and their loyalty
Sharing works both ways - get money from doing the jobs other firms can’t cover
Turn out-of-area drop-offs into more work. Drivers can accept work shared by fleets that begin in areas you don’t usually earn from
SuperYes to protecting your brand
SuperYes lets you specify exactly which firms you’re happy to share your jobs with
Edit your sharing preferences any time
See exactly where you’ve earned extra money
SuperYes to passengers coming back
Regular, returning customers are hard to win and easy to lose. Say yes and keep them coming back
When you get them a ride, you prevent them wandering off to ride-hail and never coming back
SuperYes works with cash jobs including in vehicle card payment (pre-paid by card and account work coming soon)
1M jobs saved from ride-hail
Over 900,000 jobs (and counting) have been shared between independent private hire firms that would otherwise been welcomed by ride-hail
When you accept incoming shares, your driver gets money they otherwise wouldn’t
Now out-of-area drop-offs are more attractive
If you’ve no drivers, you’ve no business. Happy drivers earning more money will stay with you
SuperYes to happy drivers
WORKS WITH ANY dispatch platform
Not on Cordic or a dispatch system fully integrated with SuperYes?
No problem. Get sharing fast with SuperYes Lite

Get the tools to take on ride-hail